Gentle nasal irrigation, followed with nasal oiling (an ancient Ayurvedic method which may be new to you) can play a vital role in protecting your child’s immune system. I incorporated it into my boys daily routine many years ago, and they have been doing it ever since (note: it is especially helpful during spring, when allergies are high, and Winter when virus/infections are rife). Learn why this simple, non-invasive way to support the immune system works, and the daily step-by-step guide I recommend:

For school age children consider the 2 step process before and after school daily. I encourage you to increase the frequency of use during symptoms of colds or flus, and definitely a protocol to use after your child has been swimming.

Removes Pathogens: Nasal irrigation helps flush out viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens from the nasal passages, reducing the likelihood of them taking hold and causing illness.

Reduces Viral Load: For children who have been exposed to viruses, such as the common cold or influenza, nasal irrigation can help reduce the viral load in the nasal passages, potentially minimizing the severity and duration of illness.

Clears Allergens: Is effective in removing allergens such as pollen, dust, and pet dander from the nasal passages, thereby reducing the risk of allergic reactions and associated symptoms.

Enhances Immune Function: By maintaining clear nasal passages, you can support the proper functioning of the immune system in the nasal mucosa, which is an essential defence against respiratory infections.

Lubricating: Keeping the nasal passages moist (done using the oiling method) can prevent them from becoming dry and irritated, which can make them more susceptible to infections.

Promotes Overall Respiratory Health: Regular nasal irrigation can contribute to overall respiratory health by reducing congestion, inflammation, and irritation, which can make the respiratory system more resilient to infections.


  • Spray Xclear into one nostril while blocking the other
  • Sniff up sharply
  • Then blow nose fully 
  • Repeat the other side 


  • Select 100% coconut or olive or sesame oil (keep a small pot in bathroom for easy access)
  • Soak a q-tip with oil
  • Use q-tip to apply liberally to the inside of the nostrils (just at the opening)

Shop here for Kids Xlear and Adult Xlear

Note: Xlear is our family’s choice of nasal rinse, you might prefer another brand, and/or enjoy making your own salt solution. Please feel free to choose what works/feels right for you and your loved ones.