Activated charcoal has gained popularity as a remedy for tummy bugs and gastrointestinal issues due to its adsorbent properties, which means it binds to toxins in the digestive tract, helping to bring fast and long acting relief. Activated charcoal works by removing toxins, reducing gas and bloating, relieving diarrhoea, alleviating digestion symptoms, and has anti-microbial effects.

Six years ago I learned of the wonderful (dare I say “miraculous”) properties of activated charcoal. Two of our three boys had come down with a nasty tummy bug, and after reading about the it’s use on a mummy blog, I set out to try it, hoping the rest of us wouldn’t go down with the same symptoms a.k.a “I’m about to puke again” said my middle son!!

After a very quick trip to the pharmacy, I pulled out the rather ominous looking charcoal capsules. Starting to feel nauseous myself, I quickly took one with a large glass of water (vital for maintaining hydration when using A.C) and set to task on helping the children. For kids under 12, you simply pop open one capsule, and mix with a large glass of plain water or grape juice. Note: 100% grape juice is widely known as a home remedy for gastrointestinal issues, especially in children. The addition of the sweet taste almost always help with palatability, especially for those youngsters with reduced appetite and thirst from the bug itself. Encouraging fluid intake, even in small amounts is crucial, and so the addition of grape juice can certainly help.

Next, stir repeatedly. While the charcoal has no taste it does have a sandy texture and can settle at the bottom of the glass. Allow your child to sip from the mixture as much or as little as they can handle (stirring mixture in between). For those family members not yet sick, down this drink as soon as possible to prevent surrendering to the bug at all. While it is important to note that A.C is a preventative measure (and not a cure), I have seen with my own children, just how much it helps to soothe, and more importantly to speed up the healing process when they have already been overcome with sickness. And here’s why it works: A.C attaches to various toxins, bacteria, and other harmful substances in the digestive pathway, helping to prevent their absorption into the bloodstream. Most beneficial in cases of food poisoning, or ingestion of contaminated food or water.

Another way to use activated charcoal, and in my opinion a more convenient, simpler and less messy way, is to use a ready made preparation. Be Settled is the brainchild of fellow author and nutritional health coach Lizzie King from Lizzie Loves, and provides digestive support for adults and children. It is a blend of activated charcoal from coconuts, apple and peppermint. The sachets are perfect for easy home use and storage, and the ultimate travel companion (don’t leave home without it!).

So the next time you catch word of a tummy bug doing it’s rounds, whether that’s from your child’s class, your work, or in the neighbourhood, pull out your activated charcoal and help stop things before they ever get started.