Blenders, much like electric juicers, come in various price ranges and a wide array of shapes and sizes. However, unlike juicers, which produce only juice, blenders can create an impressive variety of food and beverage options.

If you are on the fence about what blender to start your blending journey with, do consider first your needs, and of course your budget. 

The more expensive high speed blenders do come with an extended warranty and free maintenance checks, so that is certainly worth noting. High quality, high speed blenders also have the ability to break up fibres in greens, nuts and seeds, and even heat soup, and are among the most sought after blenders on the market.  Please note: blenders that are not considered ‘high speed’ cannot perform these functions, so again it will depend on what your expectations are. As mentioned, high-speed blenders will certainly be a large upfront cost, but the quality, longevity and ease of use is remarkable, and something definitely worth investing in.  The Vitamix, which we personally own and LOVE and couldn’t live without, and Blendtec are superb options.