This is a topic that requires no sugar-coating (pun intended) and I hope will be approached with the utmost seriousness. UPFs are heavily modified food like products that contain multiple industrial ingredients. These foods go through numerous processing steps and often have little to no resemblance to their original, whole food sources.

Let me rephrase that, ultra-processed foods, commonly referred to as junk foods, are highly processed products rather than natural foods, not designed for healthy human consumption or to provide optimal health benefits. The body responds to UPFs by triggering inflammatory pathways, which can disrupt gut health, impair immune function, and give rise to metabolic disorders.

For all our growing children with developing immune systems, UPF’s can significantly hinder health. Reducing the intake of UPFs for your family and opting for whole, minimally processed foods will promote far better health outcomes.


They are often pre-packaged, ready-to-eat, or heat foods like chips, sugary cereals, fast food, processed meats, and packaged snacks.

Artificial ingredients like flavours, colouring agents, preservatives and sweeteners.

Added sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive salt to enhance flavour.

Low-quality ingredients such as refined carbohydrates and synthetic additives.


Low Nutrient Density: UPFs lack essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fibRE. Instead, they are loaded with empty calories, contributing to weight gain and poor nutritional intake.

Excessive Sugars and Fats: UPFs are often high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and salt, which can lead to weight gain, obesity, and an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Consuming large amounts of UPFs has been linked to a higher risk of developing chronic diseases and even certain cancers. The additives and preservatives in these foods can trigger inflammation and other health issues.

Disrupts Gut Health: The lack of fibre and the presence of artificial additives in UPFs can harm gut health by disrupting the balance of beneficial bacteria, which is essential for digestion, immunity, and your child’s overall well-being.

Promotes Poor Eating Habits: UPFs can contribute to poor dietary habits and affect a child’s appetite, cravings and reduce the desire for nutritious foods.

Promotes Overeating: The high sugar and fat content of UPFs can make them addictive, leading to overeating. They often fail to provide a feeling of fullness, encouraging you to consume more calories than necessary.

Inflammation and Immune System Suppression: UPFs can cause inflammation in the body, which can compromise immune function and increase the risk of infections and other health problems.

Affects Mental Health: Studies show that diets high in UPFs are linked to a greater risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions due to poor nutrient quality and the effects of additives on brain function.