A juice cleanse can be amazing for its potential health benefits, and while you should be excited about getting started it is imperative to consider the planning for each important phase – pre detox, the juice cleanse itself, and post detox. Properly preparing for a juice cleanse can help maximize its benefits and minimize potential discomfort.

For full detox guidance, juice selection + recipes, community support, inspiration and more, grab a copy of the wildly popular How-to-Guide: Juice Detox.

Please note: If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications, it is sensible to talk about your concerns to ensure starting a detox is safe for you.

GETTING STARTED – while individual experiences may vary, here are the most common health benefits you can hope to see and achieve:

  1. Hydration: Drinking only fluids for a period of time keeps the body hydrated, supporting optimal function of bodily systems.
  2. Digestive Rest: Giving your digestive system a break from processing solid foods allows it to focus on cleansing and detoxifying, potentially reducing bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort.
  3. Weight Loss: Juice cleanses can aid weight loss by reducing calories and promoting detoxification. For many, losing excess weight is the kick start they need to start leading a healthier lifestyle.
  4. Increased Energy: After the first few days, you will begin to feel more alert, this is often due to the removal of processed foods from the diet, and the flood of nutrients that support the detox process.
  5. Mental Clarity: Clearing out toxins and consuming nutrient-rich juices can promote mental clarity and focus, leading to a heightened sense of well-being and cognitive function.
  6. Reduced Inflammation: Fruits and vegetables contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce inflammation in the body.
  7. Resetting Eating Habits: Completing a juice cleanse can serve as a reset button for unhealthy eating habits, encouraging you to make healthier food choices from now on, and for the long term.

PRE-DETOX PHASE – in order to get the very best out of your juice cleanse the pre-detox phase is undoubtedly the most crucial. Transitioning from your regular diet, especially if it contains daily doses of stimulants and irritants can be a shock to the system, especially if done too abruptly. Here are some important tips to consider before starting:

  1. Gradually Reduce Intake of Certain Foods: In the days leading up to your juice cleanse, start to reduce your intake of alcohol, caffeine, dairy, meats, processed foods, sugars and heavy meals. This will help minimize withdrawal symptoms and prepare your body for the cleanse.
  2. Hydrate: Proper hydration is crucial both before, during and after your cleanse. Aim to drink 8 glasses of water daily to ensure you’re well-hydrated before starting. Consider using Celtic Sea Salt to maintain appropriate electrolyte levels and provide you with vital minerals.
  3. Make High-Quality Juice: If you’re making your own juices, opt for fresh, organic fruits and vegetables where possible and clean produce thoroughly before juicing. This helps minimize exposure to pesticides and ensures you’re getting the highest nutritional value possible.
  4. Stock Up on Supplies: Make sure you have all the supplies you will need beforehand. Being prepared means you are more likely to stick to, and enjoy your cleanse.
  5. Plan Your Schedule: Consider scheduling your detox with friends or colleagues for support. You may also want to consider a period of time when you can take it easy. This can help you better manage any potential detox symptoms and focus on self-care during the cleanse.
  6. Prepare Mentally: Any detox can be challenging, especially if you’re used to having processed foods and daily stimulants such as coffee, sweets and refined carbs (think white bread, flours and rice). Take time to mentally prepare yourself for the experience, and remind yourself of the reasons why you’re doing the cleanse. You will be pleasantly surprised at just how rewarding it can be.
  7. Have a Post-Cleanse Plan: Plan how you’ll transition back to solid foods after the cleanse to avoid overloading your digestive system. Again, this may be something you seek advice from your Health Professional.

THE JUICE CLEANSE – picture yourself on a journey of rejuvenation, revitalization, and renewal, because that is what is ahead of you. To help you make the very most of your juicing phase here are some tips to think about:

  1. Choosing Your Juices: Incorporating vegetable-heavy juices into your cleanse can provide a wealth of nutrients while keeping sugar content low. A general rule is 80/20 (vegetables/fruits). You should aim for a minimum of 6 x 250ml glasses per day.
  2. Getting Started: Opt for Green Juice to begin with. Green juice has alkalising, detoxifying and hydrating properties, and contains chlorophyll and other compounds that support liver function, all helping to promote the speedy elimination of toxins.
  3. Be Prepared: Make your juices for the whole day ahead of time. Be sure to store your juices appropriately in tightly sealed bottles (glass is preferable) and refrigerate.
  4. Your Body is Adjusting: Understanding that a juice cleanse can bring significant change for your body is important. As your system adjusts to the influx of nutrients and the absence of solid foods, it’s natural to experience some temporary side effects.
  5. Detoxification Process: Your body will be working hard to eliminate toxins. This can sometimes result in symptoms such as brain fog, digestive discomfort, fatigue, headaches, irritability etc. Please note you may experience none, one or all of these symptoms, but know this is always temporary, and actually a great sign that something magical is happening.
  6. Limiting Side Effects: To assist your body through the detox process, drink an additional 8 glasses of water daily. Move your body – walking and/or yoga is gentle and will help you relax. Perspiring is also great and helps remove toxins, so get outside in the sun when you can. Daily body brushing is also recommended, and getting adequate sleep is imperative.
  7. Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to how your body is feeling and adjust as needed. If you experience significant discomfort or adverse effects, it’s okay to modify your cleanse. Reach out to your Health Professional for support if this happens.

POST DETOX PHASE – after completing your juice detox, it is important to reintroduce solid foods gradually and mindfully to allow your digestive system to adjust. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to how your body responds to different foods as you reintroduce them. At this point it would be beneficial to keep a food journal. If you are working with a health professional the daily entries will be a great resource for them to be able to assist and support you further.
  2. Start with Light, Easily Digestible Foods: Begin by reintroducing light and easily digestible foods. These foods are gentle on the digestive system and help ease the transition from liquids to solids. Do not add meat, dairy or processed foods for at least 4-5 days.
  3. Monitor Portion Sizes: Be mindful of portion sizes as you reintroduce solid foods. Start with smaller portions and gradually increase serving sizes as your body adjusts to eating solid foods again. Pay attention to feelings of fullness and stop eating when you’re satisfied.
  4. Hydrate Adequately: Continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support digestion. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses along with your Celtic sea salt if this is something you started during your detox.
  5. Focus on Whole, Nutrient-Dense Foods: As you continue to re-introduce foods, choose nutrient-abundant choices. Incorporate a variety of whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and plants based proteins, and healthy fats into your meals to support overall health and well-being.
  6. Slowly Reintroduce Potential Trigger Foods: If you have identified specific trigger foods or intolerances during your juice cleanse, then reintroduce those foods back in very slowly, and one at a time, to assess your body’s reaction.
  7. Work with a Health Professional: Seeking professional help after completing a detox allows you to continue your health journey with expert guidance, support, and accountability.