Is your child new to juicing? Eating whole fruits and vegetables, and juicing fresh fruits and vegetables, both offer unique health benefits in many ways, and incorporating the two into your child’s daily routine will provide them with a well-rounded approach to nutrition.

I fell in love with the the idea of juicing after I found countless research, and accounts of mothers (and fathers) who in an attempt to better their kids health and recover from sickness, had notable healing results.

And so, I began juicing for my boys out of sheer desperation to help them heal, along with my studies to become the health professional I am today. I researched and learned crucial strategies to making juice that was not only nutritious, but delicious too! I began to understand the importance of choosing the right produce (best when it’s local and seasonal). Also, that just the right juicer can make all the difference to the quality and taste of your juice. We use and love Namawell, Nama J2. What’s more, I became proficient (certainly took me some time!) at mastering the art of creating juice with just the right combination of mostly veggies and minimal fruits.

If you’re hesitant or new to juicing I would love to share here why it’s such a great tool to use to take your childs health to the next level, and why I’ve been supporting my boys wellness journey with fresh, raw juices for over 10 years (wow has it really been that long!)

Immune Boosting Nutrients: Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables provides a concentrated source of essential vitamins and minerals that directly support immune function, such as vitamin Cvitamin A, and zinc. These nutrients are vital for the production of white blood cells, which are the body’s first defense against infections.

High in Antioxidants: Fresh juice made from ingredients like apples, berries, citrus fruits and spinach are rich in antioxidants. These help neutralize free radicals in the body, protecting immune cells from oxidative stress and supporting overall immune system efficiency.

Enhances Gut Health: A healthy gut is crucial for a strong immune system, as a large portion of immune cells are located in the digestive tract. Juicing can include high-fiber fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, and leafy greens, which promote a healthy gut microbiome and better digestion, contributing to a more responsive immune system.

Provides Hydration: Many immune cells rely on good hydration to function properly, and juicing fruits and vegetables with high water content (like cucumbers, oranges, and watermelon) ensures that kids stay hydrated. Proper hydration helps maintain healthy mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, which act as a barrier to pathogens.

Natural Source of Vitamin C: Beets, citrus fruits and leafy greens are common juicing ingredients that are packed with vitamin C, an essential nutrient for immune health. Vitamin C promotes the production of antibodies and strengthens the immune response, helping the body fight off viruses and bacteria.

Anti-inflammatory Benefits: Many fruits and vegetables used in juicing, such as carrots, ginger, spinach and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Reducing inflammation in the body allows the immune system to focus on fighting off infections rather than dealing with chronic inflammation and its symptoms.

Supports Detoxification: Produce such as apples, beets, celery, lemon and greens can support liver detoxification. By helping the body eliminate toxins more effectively, juicing reduces the burden on the immune system, allowing it to focus on protecting the body from illness and infection.

Encourages More Raw Fruits + Vegetables: Let’s face it kids may not always get the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables, but juicing provides an easy and tasty way for them to get the abundance of vitamins and minerals that they contain. By including a variety of immune-boosting ingredients, juicing ensures kids consume a broad spectrum of nutrients that can support immunity leading to all round improved health.

Contains Phytonutrients: Phytonutrients found in colorful fruits and vegetables (like carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols) have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Juicing helps children consume these powerful compounds, which enhance the body’s natural defenses against infections.

Promotes Healthy Skin: The vitamin A and beta-carotene in juiced vegetables like carrots and spinach help maintain healthy skin, which is the body’s first line of defence against pathogens. Healthy skin creates a much strong barrier, reducing the risk of infections entering the body.

Follow the 80/20 Rule: I subscribe and recommend making juice with mostly vegetables. 80% or more vegetables and 20% or less fruits. Juices that are made up mostly of fruit (think fresh orange juice and/or carton juices) can lead to blood sugar spikes. It’s simply too much sugar for our kids bodies to process in one go.

Sharing some of our family favourite juice recipes here.

Please note: juicing is just one of the ways we use to promote wellness, it is part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods, and other holistic practices.